Confirmed: Camden Aquarium Field Trip

Confirmed: Camden Aquarium Field Trip
4/16/2024, 9:45 AM 12:15 PM

Bus Pick-up: 8:45 am
Aquarium Tickets: 9:45 am (allow for 2-2.5 hours to explore)
Lunch 12:30 pm (4 lunch tables confirmed)
45 students, 10 adults
1 bus to park on-site 


Hi team,

This is a whole school field trip. We have 10 tickets for adults to chaperone with a minimum requirement of 7 adults per our student body.

We will take a bus from Hope to the aquarium and back to Hope. We will eat lunch at the aquarium at 12:30 pm. Once permission slips go home, we will also ask parents/guardians to send bagged lunches with students. There is food at the aquarium if any student needs food though.

Thank you to the Student Council for launching this fun initiative!

Let me know if you have questions.


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